It only took me less than an hour...
Ok la.. sleepy now.. Time to zzz.. Goodnight! Z_______Z
何謂'雨中的仙人掌'. 原來仙人掌在沙漠裡面活的好好的,不管多麼惡劣的氣候,她都看起來堅強美麗...那是堅強的美,男人覺得她們高不可攀! 哪天不知道為甚麼沙漠裡面下了一場大雨,這仙人掌從此就愛上了'雨',竟是她知道'雨'將會把她弄得遍體麟傷...戀愛的女人竟是像這'雨'中的仙人掌. 即美麗又脆弱短暫...那是柔弱的美!男人覺得她們需要被保護.
Clever! Can photoshop...make me look young, slim and handsome? LOL!!!
play photoshop makes me crazy sometimes...so I gave up most of the time. Sigh...shame of me
Yeah~~ Wonders of photoshop. But you are really so bored ah!? lol.
STP: Can actually... I always photoshop myself... LOL
Ting: I only do that once in a blue moon... Not much patient also.. :P
Kel: Yalo.. Australia always bored one marr.. X(
I don't have the patience to do so many of them.. hahaha..
walau. u did so many. 0.0
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