Friday, June 27, 2008


病了好几天,胃口都没了。。。 也不是大病,但就是吃什么也没胃口,做什么也觉得疲惫!还要戒口。。真没瘾!不过还是偷吃了KFC和雪糕~呵呵!做了晚班一年多无可否认身体是有一些影响,特别是我的肠胃。常常用餐已久,感觉事物还在我的胃里面徘徊。。。


昨天朋友的中医师老爸刚好来了, 顺便请他帮我把把脉。 还好没什么大碍, 只是肠胃不适,服药调理就好。

凋谢了还是不舍得丢掉, 所以把它们吊了起来。变成干花以后好香哦~ ^__^

说到雪糕,其实是雪条啦。。。 上星期买了十几种不同口味的雪条。放在雪柜里面看了就好开心!!要不是感冒的话我看它们早就被我解决掉了。哈哈~ 现在只好眼振振看着“某人”每天在握面前把它们一个个吃光!!乌乌~ 不过还是几乎每个都被我抢到口尝了一下D! 哼!等我尝完以后再告诉大家哪个最好吃。嘻嘻~



今天早上并没有出去,在家里“褒带” 随便煮了个鱼圆冬菇干捞面给自己填肚子。“某人”一早丢下我和友人骑机车去了! 偶尔独处一下还不错。 ^__^


我的鱼圆冬菇干捞面, 会像新加坡的“肉锄面”吗? ^__^

Saturday, June 21, 2008


又感冒了。。。 喉咙好干噢! 这个冬天还挺冷的。。。在家不穿毛鞋的时候脚板都冷冰冰的。

在这种天气,男朋友不在身边的时候,能够给我最大温暖的莫过于我这件草绿色还带着一顶大兜帽的大夹克~ 它的那顶大帽子不管我走到哪里都紧跟在我后头,给我加温,拉起来还可以避雨挡风。坐火车累了往后靠的时候还可以当枕头。 有了它,我这个冬天不再那么的冷,也不那么寂寞。有了它,我比原来要勇敢一些,跑的也快一些。。。

之前友人问我那天 Witchery 大减价买了些什么。这双就是那天买的白色靴子。全皮的,打五折,好划算哦~ 哈哈好开心~ 该谢谢那逼我买下它的“损友”哈哈!

这是另外一件Long Vest Knit, 也是白色的。准备等春天的时候穿的 ^__^

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Second Largest 15 Million dollars Apple Store in the World Opens in Sydney

The shop which look as nice as their products! Yes! It's the Brand New Apple Store in Sydney George Street.. Was offcially opened 5pm Thursday 19th June 2008. People are getting over-crazy about this store and abviously Apple had made a very successful marketing effect to Australia's market at their first HIT~! 15M mights sounds a bit expensive for a store but for a co. like Apple think just a slice of cake? Huhu~

The 1st Apple retail store in Sydney

2nd day already... still got so many ppl...

There is a full 3 levels height of a huge glass box with an big Apple hanging behind the glasses.

Even the stair-case also build with the look-like-glasses materials.

Think will look nicely if they put on some colorful lightings?

You won't believe how much people are waiting out-side the store for their grand opening. -__-"

errhh.. dun think i can buy things if there are so many ppl in the shop!!!

I didn't manage to go there at their first opening day. Went with my gf after work on the next day after having our refreshing shopping at Witchery (It was on sale!!! :P).

Only two bags are mine lar.. LOL..

Think most people are just going there to feel the 15 million dollars store in stead of really want to buy smth?! Apparently I am one of them lor...blerk~ It's really an eye-privileges to see so many Apple products sitting nicely in such a beautiful and modern-looking shop heh..

No doubt that Apple does has their crazy supporter which some of them flew all their way from another state and tried to be the first one to enter the store?!

OMG.. crazy la.. macam Super Duper Star visit sydney lidat~!!!

My favourite Air Book!!!!! AUD2400 smth! So expensive... =(

Should picture it from the side as well. It's as thin as a kite.

Corner for kids ...

The staff there are so friendly especially the security guard at the door there....haha.. As he happily say good-bye to us and welcoming us to go back nextime. Slightly over-friendly... LOL.. Coz normally if u walk-out from a store without buying anything.. ppl will just stare at u and barely smile... -_____-+

Saturday, June 14, 2008

YumCha @ Zilver 同乐轩

Went to shopping after finish working the other day. And bf decide to meet me for YumCha at ChinaTown- Zilver. "YumCha" is actually pretty common all around the world which do have Chinese. In some country might call them "Eat Dim Sum". I do actually go YumCha at least one a month lah... as I think it is consider quite delicious compare to other Chinese food in sydney.

Zilver was under another name (forgot it's old name) and got renovated i think last year? Lots of HK artists had visited the restaurant when they came to Sydney. So.. the food consider not bad lah!

When we reach the restaurant the other day around 12:30noon (It was on Thursday), we been seated straight away as it was not full normally during the weekdays.

We ordered some SiuMai and they taste good.

Traditional 烧卖 - Nice~

Jade Skin SiuMai 翡翠烧卖 - Look different but taste similar to the traditional SiuMai

Then we ordered more food, there are my favourite such as "WuGok" (Fried Yam with ChaSiu inside), "FongZao" (Chicken Feet), Fried prawn roll etc...

Chicken Feet, 凤爪 - Yummy! Can see from picture rite? :)

WuGok,芋角 - One of my favourite dim sum!

YumYumYum.. My Favourite!!! Skin is cruncy and the meat inside is juicy!!! GOOD!

The staffs there is pretty friendly compare to other YumCha restaurants in Sydney. Normally they are rude and VERY impatient and we were actually used to it already. -_-"

The fried prawn roll serve with mayonise - Not bad lah!

Actually we were pretty full already but my stomatch always will have spare space for dessert lah! So we order somemore... We had Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly, GuiLinGao and TauFuFa!!! ^__^

Chrysanthemum Goji Jelly- Taste very light, almost like eating NUTHIN! Lol

Okay we are really FULL now.. Bill Please.. AUD55 smth? Expensive huh... Wat to do we are in Australia!!! Nuthin here is cheap lah!!! :(


Friday, June 13, 2008

I feel so SwEeT today~~

For the very first time, he arranged a wonderful night for me. I'm really touched!!! =) Although there is some incident happened during the night but it doesn't really spoiled my mood...

*We are holding hands.. =)

First of all, the surprise began with a dozen of Columbia red roses. The roses are stunning, where each pedals are so thick and red, i can't stop myself from keep smelling n touching them with my fingers.

I enjoy holding the roses in my hand like this ^_^

One of the picture taken by the camera men with his proffesional SLR camera

Then... we head towards to Darling Harbour and i got another surprise when i been told that we are going to have dinner on a cruise. Hmph.. How lovely is that huh... *^_^*

At the reception

About to board the ship

Quickly take some picture while we were waiting for boarding

The food the is so so la.. but the view and environment is just too great, with all the harbour bridge, ophra house, Sydney City View and etc.. ^__^ *hapihapi!!

The hungry lady...

During the dinner, there is a camera men came over and take picture on us. He got them printed and framed nicely within an hour. Cost AUD15 each if you would like to purchase from him. Slightly expensive but surprisingly the pictures came out really nice (I mean my face, lol). So we bought 2 which is AUD30. LOL.. Ok now u know if u wanna earn AUD15 from me u got to know how to take a good picture for me okay? :) Not easy ok? My bf tried soOoo many times but failed! LOL.. And he claimed it is not his problem but i am just too... too ugly!!!! GrrRrgH! sooo.. angry.. didn't talk to him for 3 mins? forgot.. :P

Edwin started to get sleepy after i forced him to keep taking picture for me..

We were sitting upstair and this is the view from our table.

After the dinner, they have some sexy girls and a hot guy doing some dancing n singing on stage.. which is not bad lah! Oh yah.. about the incident that i had mentioned... is.. I GOT STOMACH ACHE!!! So disturbing when u got to keep going toilet at this type of moment... -__-"""

Didn't manage to take any picture for the shows as it is not allowed.

Once we reach home.. my bf sleep straight on bed z.z..zZZzz.. he must have tired already...

After sitting in the car for few hours, the roses started to get/look dry, so i quickly re-arranged them in a vase with the specific powder water given by the flourist. Hope they will look well when i wake up tomorrow morning lah. Sleepy liao. Goodnight Tata~zzz..