Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vietnamese Restaurant @ Wynyard Stations

Me and my girl friend were so hungry this morning after work...The weather was so cold and it makes us feel more hungry LOL.. So she suggest to have breakfast at this Vietnamese Restaurants near the Wynyard Stations. It's located along the underground pathway from Hunter Connections to Wynyard Station.

They open quite early in the morning compare to other nearby restaurants. Nothing much were ready yet as it was too early (10:15am) and they only have noodles with beef or chicken, spicy or not spicy. ^__^

The staffs there are still busy preparing foods at the counter. (Chopping Vege or smth~)

Restaurant was still empty.. We were their first customer today.

My girl friend ordered this: Spicy Chicken Noodle/HorFun

And I have this one: Clear Soup Chicken Noodle/HorFun Special (Special as in add 4-5 wantons)

They make very nice food but doen't mean they really have good sense of Art~ Em... Maybe I just don't know how to appreciate this Tiger jumping out from a rainbow? LOL

We were very satisfied with the food... My Stomatch feel so warm after that~ Will sleep well this afternoon! hehe~

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


期待已久的 <<溏心风暴II之家好月圆>> 終於出爐啦. 原來想說第II 會不如第I 好看. 但是現在看完前3集以後覺得好好看喔~嘻嘻

上一部的主要演員基本都在, 只是關係與性格有一些變化...

趕在中秋節之前播放... 這回他們家買的是月餅, 不買鮑魚了 ^___^

他們家這回有7個兒女喔~ 家, 好, 月, 圆, 慶, 中, 秋 . 很熱鬧吧~ 哈哈

大契名言: '丞相肚內可撐船'. 戲裡面沒有解釋是甚麼意思, 大概是說做人肚量要大的意思吧!

昨天回到家已經超愛睡了, 還是忍不住看了第4, 第5集... 第6.2集... 實在太累... 跑去睡了~
上一集的 '細契', Sa姐 開始越來越 '黑人憎' 了... 那張嘴開口真是沒一句好聽的話, 有點佩服!!! 好看好看~

喜歡看TVB電視劇的朋友, 趕快去租來看吧~~~ ^___^

Monday, July 14, 2008

I love to live @ Parramatta~

Didn't update for a while as I haven't been really thoughtful recently. My mind just kinda empty and just sort of enjoying my laidback lifestyle around my neighbourhood (Parramatta, Sydney). Spend most of my spare time with my loves one, shopping and have nice foods. ^__^

There is art @ Parramatta~ haha~

Have been staying at Parramatta for about 2.5 years. It is a CBD that is nearest to Sydney City (About 40 minutes driving to th west from City). Living cost is much cheaper compare to city. Example 2 bedroom apartment in City cost: AUD600 per week. While I pay AUD300 in Parramatta. Lifestyle i would say is totally different but so far I just couldn't afford to stay in the city or any other better suburbs.

The Westfield Shopping Town

The station

So far, I find it is kinda convenience to stay at Parramatta. Where most importantly, there is a Huge Westfield Shopping Centre which have almost everything in it and it is just 5 minutes walk from my little unit. There is plenty of train going to city or any other major suburbs form Parramatta stations. There are plenty of Chinese shops for my groceries shopping, video renting and restaurants. (Note: I can't live without the TVB tapes in Sydney). So I do have my Shopping, Food, Entertainment and Transportation in Parramatta. And I could have AUD300 per week on rental. Hey isn't that is a lot of $$$ So... Why not ? ^__^

Also would like to introduce some of my favourite foods in Parramatta:

1st one would be the Singapore Cuisine Restaurant, Temasek (Booking is recommeded) :

My favourite dish, Hainanese Chicken Rice. I would say is pretty authentic among the rest in Sydney so far I could find.

The HarMee Soup (Prawn Mee Soup)

Sotong Ketchup Manis (Fried Calamari in sweet Ketchup)

2nd one that I would like to mention is the TingHa Palace at Parramatta League Club:
Juicy n Creamy Egg Tart

Calamari DimSum, my girlfriend claimed that it was a little bit too fishy but i like it so much... LOL

3rd one would be the Meat & Wine Co.:

The Premium CUT!!!!!Gosh.. It's So Yummy!

4th, Bamboodle (Thai Restaurant):

Slightly expensive if you compare to those at Newtown , but if you really feel like having some Thai food in Parra and doesn't willing to travel too far, this will be the one to go.

Grilled duck fried with chinese brocolli + Rice.

My favourite Tom Yum Soup.

It's brown rice!!! Yes they serve brown rice... Isn't that healthy! T__T

5th, Sun Ming B.B.Q. Restaurant:
This the place to be when you can't decide what/where to eat at Parramatta. Normally u will find me at this restaurant most of the time T__T. Actually they B.B.Q 烧腊 are actually quite good lah~ Cheap, Fast and Easy~

6th The Vietnamese Restaurant:
It's along the Church St, forgot the name lah.. just few shops away from Sun Ming.
And this is my favourite dish. Especially the crab stick lah.. :D~

7th, 龙缘小厨 (Also along the Church Street):
Recently, I found a dish in this reatuarant which is very nice.

The Palace Crab Meat with Egg & Venigar. 宫廷赛螃蟹.

Beside Foods, I do spent times with my little Cookie as well~ Brought her for a walk this morning at a park nearby. She was so happy running around and we have met a little handsome buddy "Teddy". He is a Snzoodle in black. He is so gentle and kind looking. I like him so much and so Cookie does as well. ^__^

Little update about my Baby Cookie~ She is pretty GooD and getting FATTER~ T__T

Got this Havaianas Slippers from Generel Pants Parra yesterday. It's custom made one! You can choose your favourite colors for the based and stripes + the little cute buttom on your stripes. :)

So.. I do like Parramatta... How about you~

Thursday, July 3, 2008


从少女时代,我就喜欢漂亮的东西当然也包括美女啦~~! 特别会留意的是香港小姐,因为都在看TVB戏剧嘛。但近年来开始觉得佳丽质素越来越不如前所以也不怎么留意她们的新闻了。

今年一班港姐的宣传片是在加了比邮轮上面所拍摄。有可能是其中吸引更多有质素的小姐参加的原因之一吧!? 之前Interview的时候主办当局出了一道题目给两位参赛小姐做为辩论题。题目是 "港姐评判团里不应该有女评判”。 男评判的结论是,女评判不会选一个比自己漂亮/尤胜的女生。 而男评判却不会有任何顾虑,只会选最养眼的获胜。

这。。。 怎么说呢?~ 个人是完全反对以上说法哦~ 何谓港姐是美貌和智慧并重?!!! 女生们出来的美女因该是大方得体,漂亮可人,而且有智慧的吧!是男人觉得高不可攀的!而男评判选出来的应该是。。。。 只看外貌/身材?! 好啦。。大家心知肚明,我也不想多说~ ^__^

怎么说我觉得今年2008年的佳丽还非常不错!而我个人最喜欢的是7号梁雅琳。 她曾经也在悉尼留过学哦,但后来去了多伦多。


接下来是大热门,4号高海宁。拥有得天独厚的魔鬼身材。但是因为网上泄漏她拍过级性感照片而差点被TVB革走。 所以夺冠机会大大嫌少。以一般TVB 的作风夺冠佳丽都会是乖乖女稍含蓄一些的佳丽噢~

11号马赛也不错哦~ 小巧玲珑,口齿伶俐。机会也很高哦~

另外3号8号9号也不错哦~~不知道你的人选是哪一位呢? ^__^

更多性感照片,请看:Link 呵呵~ ^0^

昨天跟友人到DoubleBay 的Max Brenner 去喝巧克力 。听说澳大利亚的Max Brenner 比新加坡的好喝哦~ 我最喜欢喝他们家的Dark Chocolate. 真的很好喝!


左边那个是黑巧克力DIP, 右边那个是牛奶巧克力DIP. 巧克力地下点了蜡烛给它们加温~喜欢的话可以把这些仪器和巧克力都买回家。

喝完巧克力还不够。。。 还到City的海Haigh's 买了盒 "Dark Scorched Almonds" 含76%的可可哦~ 所以还蛮苦的~ 这个我还是比较喜欢上一次吃的 "Milk Scorched Almonds".

在Double Bay经过一家婴儿店的橱窗看到这个。。。 好漂亮哦。。 睡在里面的Baby会感到很幸福吧~