The shop which look as nice as their products! Yes! It's the Brand New Apple Store in Sydney George Street.. Was offcially opened 5pm Thursday 19th June 2008. People are getting over-crazy about this store and abviously Apple had made a very successful marketing effect to Australia's market at their first HIT~! 15M mights sounds a bit expensive for a store but for a co. like Apple think just a slice of cake? Huhu~
The 1st Apple retail store in Sydney
2nd day already... still got so many ppl...

There is a full 3 levels height of a huge glass box with an big Apple hanging behind the glasses.

Think will look nicely if they put on some colorful lightings?
You won't believe how much people are waiting out-side the store for their grand opening. -__-"

errhh.. dun think i can buy things if there are so many ppl in the shop!!!
I didn't manage to go there at their first opening day. Went with my gf after work on the next day after having our refreshing shopping at Witchery (It was on sale!!! :P).

Only two bags are mine lar.. LOL..
Think most people are just going there to feel the 15 million dollars store in stead of really want to buy smth?! Apparently I am one of them lor...blerk~ It's really an eye-privileges to see so many Apple products sitting nicely in such a beautiful and modern-looking shop heh..No doubt that Apple does has their crazy supporter which some of them flew all their way from another state and tried to be the first one to enter the store?!

My favourite Air Book!!!!! AUD2400 smth! So expensive... =(
Should picture it from the side as well. It's as thin as a kite.
Corner for kids ...
The staff there are so friendly especially the security guard at the door there....haha.. As he happily say good-bye to us and welcoming us to go back nextime. Slightly over-friendly... LOL.. Coz normally if u walk-out from a store without buying anything.. ppl will just stare at u and barely smile... -_____-+
Ohh Apple store!
I adore the glass stairs! So cool..
MacBook Air is nice, but heard it's not very durable, too fragile, and really build for traveling 'cause only 1 USB port??
What did you buy??!!
Didn't buy anything from Applee.. U mean the shopping bag? A pair of white boots and 2 tops.. :) Telling myself not to do anymore shopping this fortnight~ :( So sick of paying my credit card bills liao~ It's a DEVIL!
I like the stairs in the apple store. I can see how beautiful the shop is and it's really big! hehe.. now is end of financial year sales! buy more buy more!! lol
testing testing..hehe.. trying to see can I post without the gmail account..
argh.. I hate financial year.. i hate sales.. Sometimes...Sales = Broke! Lol..'s very hard not to shop during finanical year sales! hehe.. the only thing can be done is..don't go out!
I have to get a new fridge.. I would prefer to use that money to buy my clothes and shoes.. haha gonna be broke faster than you.. haha..
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