病了好几天,胃口都没了。。。 也不是大病,但就是吃什么也没胃口,做什么也觉得疲惫!还要戒口。。真没瘾!不过还是偷吃了KFC和雪糕~呵呵!做了晚班一年多无可否认身体是有一些影响,特别是我的肠胃。常常用餐已久,感觉事物还在我的胃里面徘徊。。。

凋谢了还是不舍得丢掉, 所以把它们吊了起来。变成干花以后好香哦~ ^__^
说到雪糕,其实是雪条啦。。。 上星期买了十几种不同口味的雪条。放在雪柜里面看了就好开心!!要不是感冒的话我看它们早就被我解决掉了。哈哈~ 现在只好眼振振看着“某人”每天在握面前把它们一个个吃光!!乌乌~ 不过还是几乎每个都被我抢到口尝了一下D! 哼!等我尝完以后再告诉大家哪个最好吃。嘻嘻~

今天早上并没有出去,在家里“褒带” 随便煮了个鱼圆冬菇干捞面给自己填肚子。“某人”一早丢下我和友人骑机车去了! 偶尔独处一下还不错。 ^__^
我的鱼圆冬菇干捞面, 会像新加坡的“肉锄面”吗? ^__^
Are you feeling better now?
The ice-cream look really tempting.. hehe.. and the packaging is really nice. Where did you find those flat noodles.. looks like kampua la!! I miss kampua. Love the tulips.. but I prefer orange colour. hehe
HC: I got the ice-cream from a korean groceries shop. Only AUD1 - AUD1.20/each. The flat noodles are from a noodle brand in HK, 寿桃牌。Nextime show u the package. They are the "非油炸" noodle, so is healthier than normal instant noodle. I luv tulips too and it's easier to keep compare to roses. But roses are still my first luv. LOL.
err are some of those Korean brand ice-cream? How they taste like? I've never tried any Korean ice-creams in here before.. ^^
I love tulips too~
I used to like hanging dried roses around the house but I heard it doesn't bring good luck to the home.. 'cause hanging dead plants is not very good..
ces: OMG u serius.. Then i better hide it somewhere la.. i mean the dry roses.
The ice-cream taste not bad. So far i like the green tea and watermelon one. :)
u really bought many ice-cream!! i agree with hc. they look very tempting. do u get them in chinatown? or korean grocery store? i wonder if they sell it here or not. u made me feel like having ice-cream too!!
green tea ice-cream!! i like that alot.
miu miu......
i want ice cream as well.....courier some for me....they look nice!!
Jane: I got them from a korean groceries store. Also just found it recently. Just have the banana flavour one this morning.. Hmph i like anything in banana flavour especially banana cake.. YUMMY so for sure i like banana ice-cream as well haha..
Maple de Ma: erm.. when it arrived sibu i think become milk shake liao lor.. haha.. Come visit me i chia u eat all of them :p
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