Been living in Sarawak for almost 20 years, but I have never been to Brunei until my girlfriend Olivia "forcing" us to go there with her. Thanks Olivia.. Now I have extra stamp in my passport la... LOL. However, we didn't get the chance to see the Palace as normally the Palace will only open for public during Hari Raya or Queen's Brithday.
From KK, we taking ferry to Labuan stayed overnight and take another ferry from Labuan to Brunei the next morning. More information for the transportation you can simply visit
The ferry which taking us from KK to Brunei...

The journey were kinda tiring.... But we think we were still enjoying coz we always self entertaining each others..Playing stupid card games, talking non-sense and laughing for no reasons... LOL ! I feel like I am 16 again... ^.^
Brunei Dollar is so expensive laa... RM500 only get B$165!!! 3 of us going to share all these $$ for 1day1night in Brunei ar...

As we were really in budget... so we took bus from the Ferry Terminal to the city.. (around 40 minutes driving) B$1 per pax. ^.^
We met this nice gentleman at the Bus Station while we arrived... He is working as a volunteer to provide tourist information i guess?? Anyway we got some useful information from him. Should we tips him? I don't know.. but we didn't ... :p Sorry mike.. we are really under budget la~ LOL

We were staying at a budget hostel in BSB, called KH Guest House if I don't remember wrongly.. around B$55 for 3 pax per night.
Our first stop is this golden mosque right in the city....
Brunei ma.. what else are you expecting? Either mosque or gold color building lar! LOL
So we spend around 2 hours around this building taking photos... -____-

At night we got a private tourguide from the hostel and he drove us around in the city. In the car we told him how much we like "Wu Chun" and then he brought us to see his Fitness Centre and show us which primary and secondary school that he has attended.
Me and Olivia .... so exciting for taking pictures in front of his centre... LOL
They told us Wu Chun was there 1 day before la.. He go back to Brunei to promote his new movie... So sad that we missed to see him! :(

Nothing much to shop in Brunei so we end up have dinner at the shopping mall.. The food was pretty alright :)

We just too crazy to ask out tour guide drive in the petrol station at took this photo..
How nice if i can see this price appear in Sydney or Malaysia petrol stations!!! Can I migrant to Brunei?? Hehe..

And this is the Empire Hotel at Brunei..
It used to be a palace build by the King's brother but because the King doesn't like the two big pillar at the lobby therefore they sell it to an organisation and transform it to a Hotel...
Can see everythings here are in gold colors... We feels like we are princes walking around in the lobby! LOL...

We leave Brunei back to KK in the next morning... Reached KK around 5pm..
The journey were kinda tiring but I think we did enjoyed ourselves!
Sunset at KK.... Nice? :)