Wednesday, July 30, 2008


期待已久的 <<溏心风暴II之家好月圆>> 終於出爐啦. 原來想說第II 會不如第I 好看. 但是現在看完前3集以後覺得好好看喔~嘻嘻

上一部的主要演員基本都在, 只是關係與性格有一些變化...

趕在中秋節之前播放... 這回他們家買的是月餅, 不買鮑魚了 ^___^

他們家這回有7個兒女喔~ 家, 好, 月, 圆, 慶, 中, 秋 . 很熱鬧吧~ 哈哈

大契名言: '丞相肚內可撐船'. 戲裡面沒有解釋是甚麼意思, 大概是說做人肚量要大的意思吧!

昨天回到家已經超愛睡了, 還是忍不住看了第4, 第5集... 第6.2集... 實在太累... 跑去睡了~
上一集的 '細契', Sa姐 開始越來越 '黑人憎' 了... 那張嘴開口真是沒一句好聽的話, 有點佩服!!! 好看好看~

喜歡看TVB電視劇的朋友, 趕快去租來看吧~~~ ^___^


Anonymous said...

Chinese herbal cooking?...Love that! Or is it about preparing Chinese herbal medicine? Very bitter...but very effective!

MiuMiu said...

STP: Lol.. ermm this is a post toking about a TVB (HongKong) series... have no idea what r they eating in the picture actually~ XD
I'm sorry but sometimes i just feel like writing in Chinese~ Not reader friendly enuf though~

ting said...

I watch the part I too. It's good...mmhh...going to watch the part II too.

Anonymous said...

the food looks good from pic. hungry hungry.
i didnt watch the first one eh. is it good? hmm.. wonder if i shall start watching.

MiuMiu said...

part 1 can watch online anytime... ^__^